Beside implementing VAT on different sectors in UAE the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) of United Arab Emirates has implemented a scheme (VAT Refund Scheme) for such Business visitors which has no Place of Establishment or Fixed Establishment in UAE and is not a Taxable Person. For this purpose, FTA has implemented a VAT Refund Scheme for business visitors in UAE that will help them to claim the refund of VAT on expenses incurred by them in VAT implementing State. Further, FTA has also specified some conditions on repayment of tax which includes non-entitlement for claiming tax, days limitation and amount thresholds. FTA has also specified procedures in this regard which will facilitate Business Visitors to claim the refund. The first application can be made after the end of 2018.
UAE Federal Tax Authority has not only facilitated Business visitors but is also considering to implement a refund scheme for Tourist visitors which will help Tourist visitor to claim the refund of VAT on expenses incurred by them in UAE. In this regard, the authority may specify some conditions or may specify a list of goods that shall not be subject to Tax Refunds for Tourist Scheme.
All countries that are full members of The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf pursuant to its Charter. The GCC States includes The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait, and in 2009, Yemen joined the Organization, which is headquartered at Doha, Qatar.
The GCC States that are implementing a Tax law pursuant to an issued legislation.
Any Person registered or obligated to register for Tax Purposes
A “Foreign Entity” is any Person that carries on a Business as defined in this Decision and is registered as an establishment with a competent authority in the jurisdiction in which he is established.
The place where a Business is legally established in a country pursuant to its decision of establishment, in which significant management decisions are taken or central management functions are conducted.
Any fixed place of business, other than the Place of Establishment, in which the Person conducts his business regularly or permanently and where sufficient human and technology resources exist to enable the Person to supply or acquire Goods or Services, including the Person’s branches.
Overseas Tourist means any natural Person who is not resident in any of the Implementing States and who is not a crew member on a flight or aircraft leaving an Implementing State.
Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax and is generally referred to as a type of general consumption tax. Usually it is imposed on most of the goods and services that are bought and sold or provided and received respectively.
Yes, business/tourists are a significant source of revenue for the UAE and will pay VAT at the point of sale.
FTA has set the VAT rate deliberately low i.e 5% so that VAT is a limited burden on all consumers.
Yes, business/tourist visitors can reclaim VAT. For this purpose, FTA has introduced VAT Refund Scheme for business/tourist visitors. However, FTA has specified some conditions in this regard.
VAT Refund Scheme is a refund of VAT paid on expenses incurred by Foreign Businesses not having a Permanent Establishment in the UAE or any other implementing state and is not a Taxable Person. This may include Branch Offices, Representative Office, Liasioning office and marketing office etc.
The following conditions shall apply to the Tax Refunds for Tourists Scheme:
VAT paid by business/tourist visitor on incurring expenses and its refund thereof:
Amount (AED)
Value of goods Purchased or Services received (exclusive of VAT) 1,000
VAT @ 5% 50
Value of goods Purchased or Services received (inclusive of VAT) 1,050
VAT Submitted to revenue authority 50
Refund available with the business/tourist Visitor 50
The claim form shall contain such particulars as may be required by the Authority including:
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